106 research outputs found

    Bone Marrow Origin of Ia Molecules Purified from Epidermal Cells

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    Using radiation bone marrow chimeras, we have shown that Ia molecules purified from epidermal cell preparations of the mouse reflect the Ia phenotype of the bone marrow donor. This result strongly suggests that Ia molecules are synthesized by a bone-marrow-derived cell in epidermis. Furthermore, results of peptide map analysis of immunoprecipitated biosynthetically laveled Ia suggest that the Ia molecules found in skin are identical to those found B lymphocytes. These results support biochemical as well as serologic identity

    Expression of la Antigens on T and B Cells and their Relationship to Immune-Response Functions

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73337/1/j.1600-065X.1976.tb00217.x.pd

    Computational Methods for Comparative Analysis of Rare Cell Subsets in Flow Cytometry

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    <p>Automated analysis techniques for flow cytometry data can address many of the limitations of manual analysis by providing an objective approach for the identification of cellular subsets. While automated analysis has the potential to significantly improve automated analysis, challenges remain for automated methods in cross sample analysis for large scale studies. This thesis presents new methods for data normalization, sample enrichment for rare events of interest, and cell subset relabeling. These methods build upon and extend the use of Gaussian mixture models in automated flow cytometry analysis to enable practical large scale cell subset identification.</p>Dissertatio

    Widespread transcription of a Qa region gene in adult mice

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    The mouse MHC class I family includes genes encoded in four regions: H- 2K, H-2D, Qa and Tla. While K/D genes are well characterized, relatively little is known about Qa or Tla genes. We have studied the transcription of a B10.P Qa region gene. DNA sequence comparisons of the transmembrane region, supported by Southern blot analysis of cosmid and genomic DNAs from BALB/c and C57BL/10, demonstrate the lambda 3a gene corresponds to Q4p. In both Northern blots and RNA protection experiments using probes derived from the 3' noncoding region, we found that Q4, like the H-2K and H-2D genes, is widely transcribed in B10.P tissues. These data demonstrate for the first time widespread transcription of a Qa gene

    A Point Mutation in HLA-A*0201 Results in Failure to Bind the TAP Complex and to Present Virus-Derived Peptides to CTL

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    Mutating the HLA-A*0201 heavy chain from threonine to lysine at position 134 (T134K) results in a molecule that presents exogenous peptide, but cannot present endogenously derived antigen. This is reflected in diminished cell surface expression and altered intracellular trafficking of T134K. The failure of T134K to present endogenous antigen can be overcome by using an ER targeting sequence, suggesting that the antigen presentation defect is restricted to TAP-dependent peptide loading. The ability of T134K to load peptide in a TAP-dependent manner is dramatically reduced compared with HLA-A*0201. By coimmunoprecipitation there is no detectable association of the T134K molecule with the TAP complex. Thus, T134K selectively affects TAP association and peptide loading, suggesting a requirement for the direct interaction of MHC class I heavy chain and the TAP complex for efficient presentation of endogenous antigen

    CD4−CD8− T cells control intracellular bacterial infections both in vitro and in vivo

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    Memory T cells, including the well-known CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, are central components of the acquired immune system and are the basis for successful vaccination. After infection, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expand into effector cells, and then differentiate into long-lived memory cells. We show that a rare population of CD4−CD8−CD3+αβ+γδ−NK1.1− T cells has similar functions. These cells potently and specifically inhibit the growth of the intracellular bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb.) or Francisella tularensis Live Vaccine Strain (LVS) in macrophages in vitro, promote survival of mice infected with these organisms in vivo, and adoptively transfer immunity to F. tularensis LVS. Furthermore, these cells expand in the spleens of mice infected with M. tb. or F. tularensis LVS, and then acquire a memory cell phenotype. Thus, CD4−CD8− T cells have a role in the control of intracellular infection and may contribute to successful vaccination

    iWAS – A novel approach to analyzing Next Generation Sequence data for immunology

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    In this communication we describe a novel way to use Next Generation Sequence from the receptors expressed on T and B cells. This informatics methodology is named iWAS, for immunonome Wide Association Study, where we use the immune receptor sequences derived from T and B cells and the features of those receptors (sequences themselves, V/J gene usage, length and character each of the CDR3 sub-regions) to define biomarkers of health and disease, as well as responses to therapies. Unlike GWAS, which do not provide immediate access to mechanism, the associations with immune receptors immediately suggest possible and plausible entrée's into disease pathogenesis and treatment

    Mouse genetic locus Lps influences susceptibility to Neisseria meningitidis infection.

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    We surveyed a number of inbred mouse strains for susceptibility to meningococcemia. Mice of all strains became bacteremic after intraperitoneal injection of a serogroup C, serotype 2a human disease isolate, but the strains differed in levels of bacteremia, indicating influences of the host genome on susceptibility. There was no significant correlation between level of bacteremia and differences at major histocompatibility or immunoglobulin loci; the Salmonella susceptibility locus, Ity; the complement C5 locus, Hc; the antibody response locus, xid; or the transferrin locus, Trf. However, the Lps locus, which influences a range of host cellular responses to endotoxin and affects susceptibility to Salmonella typhimurium, did influence susceptibility to meningococcemia. There were significant differences in levels of bacteremia between C3H/HeJ (Lpsd) mice and each of the other strains (all Lpsn). We confirmed the association of the Lpsd genotype with susceptibility by using coisogenic strains from two widely separated mouse lineages: C3H and B10. Lpsd mice experienced a 1,000-fold proliferation of bacteria and were bacteremic for days before clearing the infection. In contrast, Lpsn mice cleared the bacteremia in less than 1 day. There was no difference in meningococcal growth in vitro in serum from C3H/HeJ and coisogenic C3H/HeN (Lpsn) mice, suggesting that the Lps-related difference in susceptibility may involve a cellular response

    The relationship of the major murine histocompatibility region associated IA antigens to mitogen responses

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    Genes located in the I region of the H-2 complex control a system of lymphocyte alloantigens (Ia) which are expressed on subpopulations of T and B cells. Specific anti-Ia serum plus rabbit complement removed the B-lymphocyte population responsive to the mitogen LPS and the subpopulation of T cells responsive to Con-A. Lymphocytes sensitive to PHA or leucoagglutinin were not removed by anti-Ia serum and complement. Significant inhibition of the proliferative response to LPS was also obtained by brief periods of cell pretreatment with anti-Ia antibodies without complement. This inhibition was specific with the appropriate anti-Ia serum and did not occur with anti-H-2K sera or when cells of a different I region were pretreated.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/21764/1/0000158.pd

    Virus-specific, CD8+ major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes in lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-infected beta2-microglobulin-deficient mice.

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    Following infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), normal adult mice generate virus-specific, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) which clear the virus after intraperitoneal infection or cause death following intracranial (i.c.) infection. We have investigated the response of beta2-microglobulin-deficient (beta2m-) mice of the H-2d haplotype (KOD mice) to LCMV infection. Unlike H-2b beta2m- mice, which generate CD4+ MHC class II-restricted CTL in response to LCMV, KOD mice generate high levels of CD8+ MHC class I-restricted, virus-specific CTL. These CTL are specific for the LCMV nucleoprotein epitope (residues 118 to 126) in association with the Ld class I molecule, analogous to the CTL response in wild-type mice. KOD mice are also susceptible to lethal LCM disease, with 75 to 80% of the mice dying 7 to 9 days following i.c. infection with virus. Similar to results with normal mice, lethal LCM disease in KOD mice is prevented by in vivo depletion of CD8+ T cells prior to i.c. infection. In contrast to wild-type mice, however, KOD mice cannot control LCMV and become persistently infected. Overall, these results demonstrate that beta2m is not an absolute requirement for presentation of endogenous antigen on Ld or for induction of virus-specific Ld-restricted CTL in vivo
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